Insurance Claims

There are many things that are synonymous with life in Alberta, many good, and some not so good. One of those is hail storms.
While hail is often small and causes little to no damage, that is not always the case and sometimes the hail is large and quite damaging.
As far as the house is concerned, the areas that can sustain considerable amounts of damage are siding and the roof. One tell-tail sign of damage to a roof are dark brown spots where the asphalt is showing through as a result of the granular surface of the shingle having been knocked off due to the hail. The metal components such as vents and flashing can also sustain damage giving rise to leaks and further damage.
If the hail damage is minimal, often a few repairs are sufficient, whereas if the damage is widespread or severe, it may be necessary to replace the roof system.

Heritage Roofing Ltd. has had years of experience spotting and evaluating these problems and providing reports and recommendations insurance companies require. So if you have hail damage that needs attention, don’t wait, risking further damage to your home. Call us now and we will be happy to meet with you and go over the situation.